Our Reverend

Evangelist Esther Holmes

The Necessary Road

A word of testimony from Evangelist Esther Holmes:

I was saved January 23, 1985 in my home. I connected with an Assembly of God church and began being faithful to the house of God.

Learning everything I could and seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with all my heart. In March of 1985, I received the blessing of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and was overflowing with the presence of the Lord for three days, having visions and dreams. I had an incredible desire to know the Word of God. I was used in the church in the gift of prophecy often and the alter response was wonderful.

In 1986, I started in street ministry, altar work, prisons, and nursing homes. I still didn’t know what the Lord was up to, I just knew I had to be about my Father’s business.

The call to teach and preach was strongly on my life. Doors in churches started to open in 1988.

I spent three years going to eight prisons in Louisiana weekly and monthly. I saw Jesus win souls and give encouragement to those who knew Him. I have done tent ministry in the local area. I have lost count of the revivals. I also taught a Christian based domestic violence class for the courts in Baton Rouge, LA for three years and saw many saved and delivered.

Look at what the Lord has done!  

After establishing a church in LA in May 1991, and leading it as Senior Pastor for a little over 25 years, I accepted my Master's call of evangelism in Aug 2016, and relocated to Ridgeland, MS, there establishing the Three in One Ministry. For many of the 25 years I served as Senior Pastor, I also was blessed to conduct twice weekly broadcasts through radio that reached 122 nations for Christ. We are working to reboot this broadcast over WINB radio and through the internet soon.

I taught Bible College courses for five years and I traveled to the Philippines in 1998 and to Mexico in 2002.

I give Him all the glory, honor, and praise. I know that I am not fit to strap the sandals on His feet. I want to do so much more. Sow the Word. The greatest blessing in my life (besides Jesus) are my two children, six awesome grandchildren (one grandchild waiting on me in Heaven) and now two great-grandchildren!

To this I testify, if Jesus can use a wretch like me, He can use anyone! He took a mess and made a miracle. No matter what your situation or state you currently find yourself in, know that the Lord loves you and we love you. We would love to meet you and be honored to worship with you.

Many times in your life as a child of God you will not understand why you are going through the things in this life that you are facing.

Peter's story shows us what is actually going on so let’s talk about that for a few minutes. Peter had to journey on his necessary road to be conformed to the image of Christ. He was a strong willed man, thinking at times that he knew more than Jesus. We do it too until we learn to trust the leading of the Lord and get the revelation that His ways are higher than ours and that He knows the beginning and the end. Jesus had to rebuke Peter a few times but He loved him and never gave up on Peter as He will not give up on you or I. Read his story and look how it ended, Peter would not let them crucify him in the same manner as His Lord for he deemed he wasn't worthy to die in the same manner.

Allow the Lord to work in your life -don't draw back when trials come they are there to make you more like Jesus - not to hurt you.

So many quit when it gets hard.  Peter repented and moved on, learning of Jesus as he followed him, and I am sure Peter wears an awesome crown of life and had a great one to set at the feet of Jesus.

In His Service,

Evangelist Esther Holmes
