How Is Your Morning%3F

How Is Your Morning?

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
October 20, 2020

Think about it! What do you think about the moment you awaken in the morning? To me true morning is always the best part of my day. Why? Well, because I meet with Jesus and thank Him for who He is and all He has done. Ps. 143:8 Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul to Thee. **David mentions how grateful he is for the loving kindness of his Lord. You notice he gives his morning to the Lord as the first fruit of the day and waits quietly to hear what the Lord has to say. Remember faith is the ear with which we hear God. The Lord wants His children to start their day knowing He loves them and will be with them constantly. He also wants us to trust His guidance throughout the day. What a comfort to know He the Almighty is in control of the very steps we take each day. Ps. 92:1-2 It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to His name, O Most High, to show forth thy loving kindness in the MORNING and thy faithfulness every night. To trust God; is the way of peace and joy. Take time every morning to be with Jesus, thanking and thinking about His love for you. Commit your every step during the day to His leadership with total trust. Trust His mercy that flows new for you every morning and give thanks for that mercy. I believe faith in His mercy strengthens us and causes us to praise Him. Never start a day without first going to Jesus in humble prayer and worship. Enjoy each morning, He is waiting on you! 
