God's Kindness

God's Kindness

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
August 12, 2020

Think about it! This morning in precious fellowship the Lord lead me to Isa.54:10. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; BUT my kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall my covenant of my peace be removed, says the Lord that has mercy. **Let us think about this for a moment, mountains are big obstacles we may face in life such as cancer, depression, great losses, pain in body or emotional etc. BUT he says they will depart. Then He mention hills which are smaller afflictions BUT says they will be removed (temporary). What great promises come next BUT his kindness (Ps.63:3 Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.) Then He reminds us that He hasn’t forgotten His Covenant of peace and will never break His promise of peace that passes all understanding, for it will never be removed. Last but not least He reminds us of His mercy to us new every morning. **What an awesome God we have and this was under the Old Covenant, how much more we have in the new and better covenant! If your facing mountains or hills or valleys hold on to Jesus and His promises. Speak to your mountains these precious promises in His name and with faith in our Lord who can not lie or change! Jesus, I pray that every one of your children will stand strong in their faith as they face all obstacles in their path and remember your loving kindness as their Father who will be with them as well as your divine peace and mercy will be. I know personally that you will keep us until we meet you face to face one day. God bless you my brothers and sisters as we stand united with Christ our Lord and Savior! Peace be still to your storms, Jesus is the eye of every storm and His love carries us into victory, for His name sake. Amen
