God Over Answers Prayer

God Over Answers Prayer

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
June 28, 2020

Think about it! I am still in these uncertain times thinking about what I am certain about. Yesterday we mentioned a couple of topics and today I want to return to speak on one of them; the fact that God will OVER answer our prayers. I Tim.6:17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, and not to trust in UNCERTAIN riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. ** Jesus gives richly not sparingly. I believe he wants us to ask big because of who he is and because his nature is to out give all mankind. He is generous not stingy! Isaiah told Israel, you didn’t ask for a sign but I God will give it to you anyway. They had cried for God to send a deliverer. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and call his name Immanuel. Wow, what an over answer to prayer! When you pray remember who your talking to he has no limit to resources and he delights in giving more than enough. He said whatever you ask in my name he would do it. Luke 6:18 Give and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. Jesus loves faith that expects him to answer as his word says he will. I went to a service last fall expecting to have a healing in two areas of my body and guess what he healed three places!!!! Go Jesus, I ask for peace and he gives double, I ask for Joy and he gives unspeakable joy. Cornelius ask for salvation and his whole house was saved. Jesus over answers our prayers. I was lost and now I’m saved! Oh, praise His name! He took an old sinner like me and made a preacher of his Holy Word. Now that OVER answered my Mother and daughter's prayers! Amen
