Complete Godly Fear

Complete Godly Fear

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
August 22, 2020

Think about it! I have been praying that the Lord Jesus would give me complete Godly fear, total reverence for Him, His Word and His Ways. You are probably saying you should already have that (don’t judge me). Instead seek complete Godly fear and thank goodness mankind is not my judge surely I wouldn’t have a chance! Guess what - He is answering my request. I am back studying the Judgment Seat of Christ. I would challenge you to do the same and it can’t be done in a few hours. 2 Cor. 5:10 For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that HE or SHE has done whether good or bad. (This judgment is for Christians) Oh, there is a lot more to see and none of us will be worried about anyone else’s judgment at that moment but be our own knees shaking and fall to the ground and ask for mercy! So much more but you dig and find out for yourself and I pray we all as His people get sober in reverent fear as the day approaches. Think about it all your words you have spoken will be made public! If people have lied about you or you have lied it will be exposed! Nothing hidden even our motives revealed. Think about it!
