Be United In The Faith

Be United In The Faith

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
September 22, 2020

Think about it! Eph. 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech (plead with you) to walk worthy of the calling with which you are called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. ** My heart has been heavy for the brethren during this season of the pandemic. There seems to be such division among us. Some say if you don’t go back to church you have no faith or courage, some say if you get the COVID you are in sin and being judged by God, this is ridiculous! Why are we so divided? This is a critical time for the church and we must be in unity more now than ever. If Jesus your Lord tells you to go to church go using all the precautions that need to be used. If Jesus your Lord is telling you not to go at this time then don’t go until He releases you. But may neither group judge the other. There is only one judge and each individual in the body of Christ must answer to Him alone. Go back to the scripture which says forbear with one another and endeavoring to keep unity and peace. The world we live in is total strife and no peace, we must shine with love for one another and unite in faith so the world sees Jesus. I do not fear the virus; I fear my Lord and if He says go to church I will go and if He says don’t go back yet then I will not go. If my brother or sister in the Lord gets this virus I would never judge that it was because they were in sin. I would pray for them to be healed and restored to health. Please, watch what you say and meditate on this verse until you live it. Unity must come to the Body of Christ in order to win a lost world. The love of God forms unity and peace. Think about it and work at bringing Jesus to the world. Amen
