Do Not Be Terrified

Do Not Be Terrified

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
September 15, 2020

Think about it! Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.** This verse says it all for the season we are walking through in 2020. We can’t make a day in our own strength. Eph. 6:10 Finally brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. **No limit to his strength and power. **To be courageous means no fear of man or circumstances. To be terrified means to allow fear to paralyze you; then discouragement takes hold of your mind stealing faith and hope. Look at the reason why we shouldn’t be in this state of mind; the answer is in the last part of this verse. “For the Lord YOUR God will (not maybe) be with you wherever you go.” If Jesus is with us, tell me what more do we need? We may not see Him or even feel His presence but He can’t lie; so you can be sure He is right beside each of His children. When we can’t walk He carries us and when we are weak His strength sustains us. Encourage one another daily with His Words. Lean on His big everlasting arms and lay your head on His heart to hear His heartbeat of love for you. Remember He has already triumphed over all darkness. May we give Him thanks all day long for who He is and all He has done and promises to do! Allow this verse to be en-grafted in your heart and mind. God bless each of you. Stay on watch, He is coming when you least expect it, may He find us in faith. Think about it!
