The Blessing of God%e2%80%99s Joy

The Blessing of God’s Joy

Author: Rev. Esther Holmes
May 10, 2018

Think about it!  Neh 8:10  For the joy of the Lord is your strength!
Romans 14:7 Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost
Ps. 16:11  In Thy Presence is the fullness of joy
Ps. 30:5  Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Ps. 126:5  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy
Ps. 132:16  Isa 35:10  John 15:11 Hebrews 12:2
Jer. 15:16  The joy of God’s Word
II Cor.  6:10  Col 1:24  Joy even in poverty
I Peter 4:12-13  Joy in trials
