He Loves The Unlovely

He Loves The Unlovely

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
October 15, 2020

Think about it! Jesus is so completely other than us. He loves the unlovely and I’m afraid most of His people haven’t come to that place as of yet. I was reading in Mark 1:40-44 The story of the leper who asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus touched him and he was cleansed. Now in our day and age who is a leper to us? Maybe to some the radical left or maybe those with tattoos or pink hair or bikers or gang members or a different race than yourself? Always remember the real value of a person is inside not on the outside. No person is to disgusting that Jesus wouldn’t reach out and touch them. There is so much hate in this world and it can’t and should never be seen in Gods children. We are to hate evil deeds but pray for the soul of the doer of evil. Jesus died for them as he did for us. We in a sense all had leprosy before salvation being deformed by the ugliness of our sins. When you feel repulsed by someone STOP and think about how Jesus feels about them and about you. How can we win the lost if we think anyone is hopeless or disgusting? Who is the greater sinner the one who we think is horrible or the one who knows Jesus and thinks they are better and doesn’t pray for the lost one? Think about it! Phil.2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. **If you think anyone on this earth is hopeless your wrong ! Jesus died and rose again for all. He came for the sick not the healthy. We all fall short of the glory. We can’t win the lost until we get our thinking lined up with the mind of Christ and love like He does. Jesus forgive us if we think we are better than anyone else on earth and renew our minds and cleanse us from all sin. Amen
