I Am Weak But He Is Strong

I Am Weak But He Is Strong

Author: Rev Esther Holmes
September 17, 2020

Think about it! I believe these verses describe many in the Kingdom of God during this season. Heb.12:12-13 Lift up the hands that hang down, and the feeble knees; And make straight the paths for your feet, unless that which is lame be turned out of the way; but instead allow it to be healed. **I think the Lord is saying here that when we become discouraged and fearful over circumstances we can be tempted not to deal with whatever is causing this state of mind. So many take the easy way out and try to ignore the obstacles. Maybe you have said, I’m not quite ready for that now! Jesus, wants us to walk straight through what we face and lift up those holy hands in praise to Him. If we avoid the circumstances we will be turned out of the right way instead of being healed and faith strengthened as we walk through our Red Seas. Our knees becoming feeble; means our prayers are weak in faith so they are no longer effective. If you find yourself in this condition do your best to not pay attention to all the discouraging circumstances around you and lift up those praises and thanksgiving to Jesus. Asking Him for grace which will strengthen you to press on to the goal of the higher prize in winning Christ. So many warriors are weary; so as we pray for them they will feel the strength of the Lord to lift up their hands, to be able to walk through and not around the circumstances and stay in the straight path and be healed of all that afflicts them. Encourage yourself today in these scriptures and don’t allow the strategies of the enemy to gain ground. Jesus is Lord of all our circumstances and He is right there with us. I am praying for the brethren and believing that revival is coming soon. Think on these things that are true. Amen
